Friday, July 1, 2011

Google +

I guess everyone is familiar with what "Google+" is. Google+ is a new social network created by Google.
It has a big chance to take over Facebook, even if not all of the audience, then maybe a considerable number of it. The best reason why I think it will have success, it's because Google is already known as a successful company and everyone in the world who has access to internet, uses one of their products, so I think they will trust it and see what it looks like. Google+ has a very sleek interface. The animation effects, the design of the page, are all very smooth. It is still in the Beta stage of development, so only some invited users have access for the moment. But soon, it will be accessible to everyone. Luckily I managed to get an invite and get inside and try it.


  1. "It has a big chance to take over Facebook"

    I don't know, sounds very difficult to me...

  2. I don't know. Most people already have Facebook, so I see little chance of them joining up in this too. Then again, you never know...

  3. im not sure, facebook has such an advantage!

  4. I heard about this today, I tried joining even with an invite but they're not accepting any new members. This is going to go big I know it.

  5. Facebook doesn't seem like it'll lose its edge anytime soon. But nice post, followed!

  6. wonder if they'll be stealing information from people who sign up

  7. I'm sticking with facebook for the time being

  8. going to be interesting, altogether.

    I haven't given Googles Plurse a try yet, but it's somethin' to consider. Get in early, as it was.

    Meh, I'll probably just set up a page then forget about it...

  9. I'm excited about this. I still need an invite though....

  10. I like this, nice post.

  11. only the future can tell...

  12. I have a feeling it will probably not gain as much success as they might hope, but it has potential to gain a smaller dedicated following.

  13. Facebook killer no doubt, I am looking very forward for Google+... In my opinion, I think it will be the best social site out there (with YouTube)
